Right now what's in there...
Large Shrubs: The big hedge (Laurel?) and the low conifer (that's what we're calling it)
Variegated Liriope (like, 10 of them?) the small one in the back should be moved to the front next spring. There's also one totally underneath the hedge that could be salvaged.
Daylillies, tons of them. I've been wanting to move them further back, because they look kinda dumb. I could really think about doing that this fall when they die back. There's also a larger day lily that I think is red and yellow? I can't decide if I like it there.
Black Eyed Susan- 3. I think they'll do well. They get tons of sun, but I'm starting to worry it's not draining well. (Then stop soaking it to death!) I think the height will work, they'll get to like, 2 feet high. The one that's around the right side could be moved maybe. They're supposed to bloom in July, so, we'll see!
Echinacea: I was really excited to get these. Same deal as the Black Eyed Susan, but these should get to about 3 feet tall. I hope they spread. If they look good this year, I'll get more. They're going to kind of dominate the color scheme at that point, when they bloom (July). The Liriope blooms around then, too, so the purple will be somewhat cohesive?
Creeping Jenny- just dug it up from where it was spreading into the grass and put it in. It's a nice way to cover some ground, but I hope it doesn't spread too much.
Daffodils- so they've been all pulled out now... I'll put them back in, but near the back/ middle. I'll have to draw this out in a real plan.
Gladioli- I think I need to be a lot more restrained with these. It's easy to get carried away in March when nothing's really growing yet but I'm just so excited oh my god and I put in 100 gladioli. Maybe if I really feel the need to do this, I can just cram tons into containers. Oh, but the ones that are in there now- they're dark pink (almost red) and light pink with dark streaks. They won't come up until July. Next year, I would plant them even earlier. When they do bloom, I'll just pull out the whole things.
Vinca- bright pink vinca, big flat of em from Home Depot. I think vinca usually do pretty well, they're tough. I had put Lanthana (?) in, but they ended up being way too red.
Corabells (mini Petunia things)- pink with yellow streaks.
Sweet Potato Vine- chartreuse green, hope it will tie in with the Liriope and the Creeping Jenny
Mandevilla- in a big container with a cool obelisk thing. I'm hoping it will be a focal point for now, so that gaping hole in the center isn't too upsetting. It's growing like crazy, but it hasn't really bloomed yet. Not enough sun? I'm hoping to bring it inside over the winter.
So the only thing I can do this year is re-plant the daffodils, and maybe add more. I should probably do a few rounds of pruning on the hedge so it keeps growing the way I want it to.
Next Spring- move the liriope in the back to the front. Put something in the back/center. Maybe move the day lilies back a little. Maybe more of the green and yellow hostas.